How can you find the focal length of a lens? Does the type of lens matter? This is a super simple procedure measure a lens' focal length. Comparing lenses of different focal lengths is easy using this activity.
Questions Answered:
- How do you find the focal length of a lens?
- How does the image from a lens with a long focal length compare to one with a short focal length?
Topics Addressed:
- Convex lenses make real images.
- The focal length of lenses can be measured using their ability to make images.
- Lenses with long focal lengths make larger, dimmer images than those with shorter focal lengths.
Learn to use scientific equipment:
Converging (convex) lenses
Skills and Tasks involved:
Find the focal length of convergent lenses.
Materials Needed
convex lens, concave lens, convex mirror, concave mirror
Preparation Time
none needed
NOTE: This activity is part of the Light, Optics, & Color Unit found here.