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Blood Type Activity: Type Your Own Blood and Compare with Classmates
Blood Type Activity: Make Your Own Simulated Blood and Test It
Bacteria: Growing Cultures in Petri Dishes from Classroom Surfaces
Bacteria, Fungi, Algae, Protozoa and Viruses: A Card Sort Activity
Parts of the Eye: Structures, Functions, and Mechanics of Eyes
Parts of the Eye: An Investigative Lab
Light and Optics: Investigating Concave and Convex Mirrors—3 Labs w/ CER
Light and Optics: Investigating Concave Mirrors—w/ CER Claim Evidence Reasoning
Light and Optics: Investigating Convex and Concave Lenses—3 Labs
Lenses and Optics: Optics: Investigating Convex Lenses
Optics: Measure a Lens' Focal Length; Explore Concave Lenses
Lenses and Optics—Using Convex Lenses to Make Images on a Screen
Light and Optics: 3 Labs re: Pinhole Viewers—inc. CER
Light and Optics: Making a Pinhole Viewer—with CER
Light and Optics: Using Pinholes and Light Bulbs—3 Labs with CER
Light and Optics: Pinholes and Light Bulbs--with CER Claim, Evidence, Reasoning